Saturday 7 July 2012

Empty Bookshelf

After having a week with no reading (a 'holiday' in Wales) I am finding it hard to get into the book that I just started, 'The Glassblower of Murano". It is by the same author as my last book although I am already making comparisons between the books and this  new one is coming up short.
It isn't gripping, but then again I haven't got that far into it. I really cannot seem to bring myself to pick it up again.

As this book doesn't seem to be going anywhere I really need something else to read. I have read all the commonly prefered books, the Twilight series and all the Harry Potters, and really want something new to read. My preferences are books with a mystery or a plot that unravels throughout the book, and I enjoy some historical books. I have read a few of the classics, such as 'Silas Marner', 'Of Mice and Men', 'To Kill a Mockingbird' and enjoyed them. Any reccomendations would be gladly accepted!
Please send in some ideas!!!


  1. ohhhhhhhh did u have a good holiday?? I am having a bit of trouble trying to find a book to read too as I have just finished the Hunger games trilogy............Have you read them???

    1. I have read the Hunger Games Trilogy....... And they were absoloutley amazing. Have you seen the film???? Apparently it is really good too.

  2. No I have not seen the film but I really want to! I wanted to read the books first though
