Saturday 30 June 2012

Finishing a book


I hate it when that happens. It is worse if the book has a bad ending...
I was telling you that I was reading a book called the Botecelli Secret. Well, I finished it and although it had a good ending I still feel annoyed that it has ended.

There were many twists and turns, with exciting historical characters seen by the main character such as a glimpse of Leonardo de Vinci and a befriending of Christopher Columbus. The mystery of the book unravels towards the end and everything is drawn nicely together, although not in an improbabal way!

I really enjoyed this book but now have nothing to read...

1 comment:

  1. I am gald that you enjoyed the book!! Yeah, I hate it when you finish a really good book! I finished the first book if the Hunger Games triolgy and I enjoyed it so much that I went out and bought the last two books! Now I have read them all and it is quite frustrating! Read my blog!
