Saturday 7 July 2012

Empty Bookshelf

After having a week with no reading (a 'holiday' in Wales) I am finding it hard to get into the book that I just started, 'The Glassblower of Murano". It is by the same author as my last book although I am already making comparisons between the books and this  new one is coming up short.
It isn't gripping, but then again I haven't got that far into it. I really cannot seem to bring myself to pick it up again.

As this book doesn't seem to be going anywhere I really need something else to read. I have read all the commonly prefered books, the Twilight series and all the Harry Potters, and really want something new to read. My preferences are books with a mystery or a plot that unravels throughout the book, and I enjoy some historical books. I have read a few of the classics, such as 'Silas Marner', 'Of Mice and Men', 'To Kill a Mockingbird' and enjoyed them. Any reccomendations would be gladly accepted!
Please send in some ideas!!!

Saturday 30 June 2012

Finishing a book


I hate it when that happens. It is worse if the book has a bad ending...
I was telling you that I was reading a book called the Botecelli Secret. Well, I finished it and although it had a good ending I still feel annoyed that it has ended.

There were many twists and turns, with exciting historical characters seen by the main character such as a glimpse of Leonardo de Vinci and a befriending of Christopher Columbus. The mystery of the book unravels towards the end and everything is drawn nicely together, although not in an improbabal way!

I really enjoyed this book but now have nothing to read...

Friday 29 June 2012



I have been reading since I was really little and my favourite book was one about the Wombles. There was a tape that read it to you and I liked it so much that at the age of 2 I memorised the whole book!

Now I prefer murder mystery or adventure books. Some of my favourite authors include Marina Fiorato, Joanne Harris, Malorie Blackman and Eva Ibotson (her books aimed at teens).

Currently I am reading the Botticelli Secret. It is a book about a young girl who is a model for a painting by Botticelli, the famous artist of Renaissance Italy. She steals a miniature of the painting and suffers the consequences. Befriending an aristocratic monk, Brother Guido, she flees across Italy trying to uncover the secret of the painting before it is too late...

I am really enjoying this book as it has a really good use of mystery and is written so it really feels like you are in Renaissance Italy. I would definitely recommend it to my friends, though perhaps not to younger readers!

I read before I go to bed and often have trouble stopping! I often get lost in a good book...